

Closed Circuit Television Inspection (CCTV) is by far one of the most useful and integral techniques to engage in the inspection process. Our mobile video command center offers a highly detailed inspection image of storm and sanitary lines. Location of root infestation, and pipe degradation are easily found and recorded allowing for further analysis and development of an action plan to replace or repair the pipe.

All of our camera heads are equipped with a built-in sonde to facilitate pipe locating for on-ground marking and determining pipe depth.

We have the capability to download video footage directly onto hard-drive or DVD, which means that the final product can be delivered to the customer on the spot!

Whether your requirement is a quick survey inspection or a long-term project of CCTV recording and coding, McGillivray Trenchless is equipped to do it all. Each of our technicians are PACP Certified (NASSCO V 6.0).